What Type of Lawyer Can Help with a Zantac Lawsuit? | Idee Per Decorare
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What Type of Lawyer Can Help with a Zantac Lawsuit?

Following a report from a pharmacy in the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised that all Zantac products should be recalled from the market. As a result, off-the-counter versions of Zantac were pulled from the shelves and prescriptions for Zantac were no longer issued. As more information regarding the dangers of Zantac came to light, a significant number of individuals sought legal advice and began filing lawsuits.

What is Zantac?

Zantac is a medication designed to reduce the amount of acid produced in the stomach. Commonly known as an antacid, people frequently take these types of drugs to treat heartburn, GERD and/or stomach ulcers.

Why is Zantac Dangerous?

Zantac is believed to be dangerous due to the levels of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) which are present. Although some people claim that NDMA is present in the product, it has been reported that lawyers for Zantac have argued that NDMA is produced by a chemical reaction in the body. Regardless of how the NDMA is produced, it’s an extremely harmful chemical which is believed to cause numerous types of cancer.

However, it isn’t just Zantac which is affected. The active ingredient in Zantac, known as Ranitidine, is what causes the chemical reaction that leads to NDMA. This means that all generic versions of Zantac pose a health risk too. As a result, millions more people are eligible to take legal action against the manufacturers of these drugs.

Who Can Help You Make a Claim?

If you have been taking Zantac or another form of Ranitidine, you may want to know more about the risks to your health. Additionally, you may want to seek legal advice to determine what your rights are. With the right assistance, the appropriate lawyer should be able to help you make a claim against the manufacturers of Zantac or the manufacturers of the Ranitidine drug you’ve been taking.

However, it’s important to seek legal advice from a lawyer who specializes in these types of cases. Typically, it is personal injury lawyers who handle these types of claims, but you’ll want to find a law firm which specializes in dangerous drug cases. Sometimes known as pharmaceutical liability, this area of law is complex, so it can help your claim if you have a legal team with extensive experience and expertise in this area.

Are You Eligible to Claim Compensation?

The FDA only recalled Zantac in April 2020, so Zantac class action lawsuit is still pending. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, liver damage or other illnesses and you have been taking a product that contains Ranitidine, it’s likely you’ll be eligible to obtain compensation.

However, other people who have been taking Ranitidine and who have not been diagnosed with any subsequent illnesses may also be eligible to take legal action. Some are arguing that their increased risk of developing an illness due to the dangers of Ranitidine deserves to be compensated, for example.

With the potential for millions of plaintiffs and billions to be paid out in compensation, Zantac lawsuits are expected to be ongoing for some time. If you’ve been affected, you can find out more by consulting with a personal injury lawyer who specializes in dangerous drug claims now.